Statistics with Resampling - the Technique

By Robin Verhoef in R Statistics

June 2, 2020

In this post, I will try to explain the three base parts of every resampling experiment and explain the relevant code I use for those parts. I hope that after this, you will be able to work from this base and create your own experiments


The first part of any experiment is the setup. In this part, I ensure repeatability, set up our variables and also the place where we want to store our results. First, I add a seed. The function set.seed() sets a starting point for generating random numbers and makes sure that I get the same set of random numbers every time. Secondly, I specify how many times I want to repeat an experiment. This number also determines how many outputs I will get. If I am only interested in 1 outcome, I will create a vector which is filled with NA values to reserve space and fill these along the way. If I was interested in multiple outcomes, I would make multiple vectors. Lastly, sometimes there will be a dataset from which you will be sampeling. In this case, I will check how often you get a pair in a hand of 5 cards. As data, I will use the numbers from 1 to 13 to represent the 13 different cards and repeat them 4 times for the 4 suits in a deck.

set.seed(20200609) # Set a starting point for all random numbers
reps <- 1000 # Number of times we want to run the experiment
results <- rep(NA, times = reps) # Repeat the value NA for reps times
data <- rep(1:13, times = 4) # Repeat the numbers 1-13 4 times


This is where the fun part starts. Here, you get to think about what you actually want to measure and how you can explain that to a computer. This is the part where you can go crazy with experimentation and complexity. To start, I added a for loop which will run reps times. Then, I add the draw of the hand of cards using sample() and store the result in hand. To count the numbers in the hand and find if there is a pair, I will use the table() function.

for (i in 1:reps) { # i will increase from 1 to reps in steps of 1
  hand <- sample(data, size=5) # Draw 5 numbers from data
  numbers <- table(hand) # Table contains a name-row with numbers and a row with how often those numbers appear
  results[i] <- 0 # Default is no pair
  for (count in numbers){ # If you loop over the table, you will only get the counts of numbers
    if (count >= 2){ # If we have a card twice or more
      results[i] <- 1
      break # Stop the loop once a pair is found


Once the experiment has run without any error, you can take a look at the results of the experiment. With a simple yes-no experiment like this, the results are not very exciting since making nice graphics out of this is not very sensible. With this experiment I think that a single number probability is enough of an answer. As you can see from the small bit of code, we get a clear answer. The mathematical answer would be that the chance of a pair or more is equal to \(1 - 52/52 * 48/51 * 44/50 * 40/49 * 36/48 = 1 - (52*48*44*40*36)/(52*51*50*49*48) = 1 - (44*40*36)/(51*50*49)\). This is 1 - the chance of getting 5 unique numbers.

number_of_pairs <- sum(results) # Since pairs are coded as a 1, the total number of pairs is equal to the sum of results
probability_of_pair <- number_of_pairs / reps # Percentage of experiments where a pair is drawn
## [1] 0.515
maths <- 1 - (44*40*36)/(51*50*49)
## [1] 0.4929172

As you can see from the numbers, the simulated number does not differ a lot from the theoretical one and if you increase the amount of repetitions, it should get closer to the theoretical ideal. I find the code much easier to understand than the mathematical reasoning and I hope I was able to make resampling a little clearer for you.